Muscular Dystrophy Association

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is a nonprofit and voluntary health agency that was established to find cure for muscular dystrophy, ALS and other related diseases. The agency is composed of dedicated scientists and citizens who work together to fight muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases that affect more than a million of Americans. There are actually more than 200 local Muscular Dystrophy Associations offices across the country. These offices offer their assistance to those who are suffering from neuromuscular diseases that are included in the program of the association.

MDA is now one of the leading voluntary health associations that support research and offer medical help and other related assistances to the public. The organization funds various worldwide researches on the disease and other neuromuscular diseases. It also provides other programs that cover education and advocacy. Moreover, it offers service and assistance, ranging from actual medical assistance, such as diagnosis, to equipment assistance repairs. The programs and research are generally funded by donors, both individual and private institutions and organizations, as well as other non-profit organizations that support the MDA. In short, the MDA fights neuromuscular diseases by way of research, offering comprehensive medical and medical related programs and education of professionals and the public.

The success and assistance of MDA is highly notable and significant to individuals as well as to the general health and well being of the people across the globe who are affected by neurological diseases. For all its efforts and contributions the American Medical Association awarded MDA the Lifetime Achievement Award. It is the first nonprofit entity that has received such commendation. The American Institute of Philanthropy has designated the MDA a "Top-Rated Charity". Across the nation, all the offices of the MDA comply with state and national policies and regulations. This includes all its fundraising activities as well as all its programs.


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